Monday, August 31, 2009

I should take a picture for proof...

It's only the third night here and already we are noticing what kind of neighborhood this is. Last night, we heard someone on our corner nextel chirping someone about losing their social security money...strange conversation. As a cop on patrol drove by, he quickly dispersed while laughing as if he knew something the cop didn't. Today we spoke to our neighbors who heard and saw the same thing. One person said, "I need to take a picture so that my friends will believe me when I tell them there are drug dealers out here." Someone else responded, "So they can see the flash and come kill us all! Probably not the best idea..." Wise words.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I think I'm in love <3

Sooo I am officially in love with Chicago. I love the lake, the convenience of the L and their public transportation system, the fact that on any given day there are at least 10 things to do and places to go see, and that there is so much diversity here. I believe that I am a true city girl at heart and may have found the place I could call home in the near future. Even though I have probably walked to more places in 2 days than I have since I've been in college, I can't complain. I love that you can walk or take the train to almost anywhere. I just can't wait to meet my kids. Well they will be my kids for the next 16 weeks anyways. September 8th can't get here soon enough. :)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Welcome to the hood...

Day One:
Wow... a 3 and a half hour trip, turned into a 4 and a half hour nightmare. Thanks mapquest. I enjoyed my scenic drive through the southside. I am just glad I didn't get car jacked. After finally arriving at my home for the next 16 weeks, I have mixed emotions.Thoughts of anger, frustration, excitement, and relief rampage through my mind as I begin to move my things into my 2x4 room I will be sharing with a friend. It's like freshman year all over again. I attempt to find space in an otherwise spaceless room for everything I will need for the next 4 months. How will this workout? I guess we will find out. After moving my stuff in, we ventured to the grocery store and began to realize that this "very safe neighborhood" was actually a frequent stop on the patrolling cops route. As we return to my new home with groceries in hand, we stop at a local Popeye's for a quick meal. Low and behold, when we order our food the cashier responds that they are "out of the chicken" that we asked for.She might as well have said, "Welcome to the hood." This should be interesting...