Sunday, July 31, 2011

Better Late Than Never

One year and half, 4 meaningless jobs, and 18 interviews later....I finally have my own classroom!!!!! Not just any classroom though...this is literally my dream job. I will be in the city, at a performing arts school (yes they have a dance program!), and tons of technology at my disposal. Oh and did I mention that I get 5th grade *cue the choir and angels singing* Needless to say, I am more than thankful and happy. It makes me feel like all of the struggles and Hell that I've been through on this journey was worth it and was just God's way of strengthening me while he prepared the perfect place for me. It really hasn't settled yet, but I have a feeling that reality will hit soon enough. Tomorrow is the first of the month and school starts 2 weeks after that! Talk about super planning.....I will be in planning and prepping mode for the next 2 weeks, which means my life and those in it will have to be placed on hold (bear with's only temporary my loves ) The mad dash to the first day of school begins now....On your mark.....get set......PREP!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Am I really still not a teacher?

Wow so it's been...........awhile since I've kept you guys updated. No worries though, I'm back and will keep the updates flowing for your visual and mental delight. Since completing my student teaching, I have YET to find a teaching job. I would have never imagined myself in this position now looking back on my optimism after finishing student teaching (well that and everyone in the school district and from IU saying that student teachers often get job offers coming out their ears before they even our dreams). I have been back and forth with what I should be doing with my life considering working part time is not gonna cut it. I even thought for awhile that I wasted my years in school and that I would have to go back and pursue a completely new life interest. Then it happened. As soon as the last bits of my faith and hope were oozing from my pores, I got that call. "My prinicipal would love to set up an interview with you! Are you available next week?" I wanted to scream HELL YEAH!! into the phone but I knew that would be unprofessional. So I simply replied "Yes. When would be a good time for her?" and there it was. My very first call for an interview for a REAL job....well not even a job...for my LIFE. It's crazy how things happen. Right when you think you can reach no lower than you are, God tells you to have faith and that he has something waiting for you. So this brings me back to you guys! I am hoping that this will be the beginning of an amazing new journey for me and for the rest of my life to begin. So with that being said.....gotta get back to work on this portfolio. I mean I should've had that done already though right?? Yeah........oops.

Monday, November 30, 2009

...and the hour glass empties...

So this is my last week of actual teaching....crazy I know...this time has flown by and I can't believe it's almost over. It started to set in today as I was talking to the class about an assignment that would be due my last day in the classroom. It is bittersweet for me...I can't wait to graduate and be done with the stupid busy work my university has me doing while I am student teaching, and I definitely can't wait to get out of the jungle, but I am really going to miss teaching everyday and the many personalities of my students. This might be a little harder than I anticipated...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Eeeww....Can I eat this??

Today was a very hectic and tiring day. Since it was the day before we leave for Thanksgiving break, the kids were in "Crazy-Friday-Vacation" mode. I decided to do centers for the last half of the day to keep them moving and also to teach them about Thanksgiving. I created six different stations for them to go to: Turkey gizzards-science goop (this was definitely a hit, and yes one student asked me if he could eat it), Thankful Turkeys- giving thanks from different perspectives, Turkey Dinner-planning a meal within a budget, Native American Names- creating a headdress and a Native American name, Plymouth Pilgrims- writing letters based upon the pilgrims experiences, and I give thanks- thankful books written by the students. The centers went amazingly well so I was glad my supervisor stopped in to see them. She pulled me aside afterward and told me a compliment I will never forget, "There are good teachers and teachers who are naturals and just born with it. There are many good teachers who will do well, but only a handful of naturals that will change their students lives forever, and you...are a true natural." meant a great deal to me. It felt good for someone to take notice in the effort and work that I put in and to acknowledge that. It was also reassuring that I chose the right profession, well I guess I should say that the right profession chose me. Now I can rest easy knowing that my many years in college were not wasted....and I definitely need the rest...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Heels and Meals

Last night a few of us went out downtown to a Latin club that had $1 glasses of we enjoyed the mix of hip hop and latin music (heaven again) several Latino men approached us asking, "What are you guys?" If I had a dollar for every time I was asked if I was Puerto Rican, I would be rich right now. Oh and as soon as they found out we were all teachers, our attraction rating went As we left the club, one of the girls' jaw dropped and she froze. One of her high school students was standing outside...ouch. Not only did he follow us back to the train station and ride the train home with us, but he proceeded to make a video showing her face on the train and what time it was (and he got everyone in the train car in on this as well). It was hilarious to me, but of course she was embarrassed. I'm glad I don't have to worry about seeing my students outside of a club at 4 am. Today we decided to have a mini Thanksgiving and have a pot luck pitch in dinner. Everyone that attended brought a dish...I brought peach cobbler that was amazing by the way. Before we ate, we went around the room and said what we were thankful for. This was somewhat emotional, but was well worth it because it brought us even closer as friends. Good food, good friends, and good conversation...tonight was very refreshing....and filling :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Conference Booster Shots

My first parent teacher conferences ever.....and I am exhausted. The day started with my first parent at 11:30 asking their son why he is not doing his work...great I'm sure this is how the day will go. Oh and by the way the parent was a teacher. Yeah maybe you should have your son do his work instead of asking him why he's not doing it. Why aren't you making him do it at home genius?? Next meeting lasted for 40 minutes. For some reason the parent couldn't grasp that their student was being lazy and it wasn't the TEACHER'S fault (maybe you shouldn't have told your son it was ok if he didn't get good grades, then maybe he would actually do his work). I was hoping the day did not continue this way. The next few parents were nice and it was smooth sailing. Then....he came in...the father of one of my students who never does his work. He proceeded to throw papers at us and call us incompetent teachers, and ended with a meeting in the principals office trying to get us fired. Wow, maybe if you put that energy into getting your son to do his work, maybe you wouldn't have to waste all that energy yelling at us...just a thought...Of course the principal bent to his will since he is prominent on the PTA (way to back up your teachers..) and gave him several "compromises" that no one else would get. My blood is boiling just thinking about it now...Despite the horrific conferences that took place throughout the day, there is a bright side. I had multiple parents thank us (well they directed it to my teacher) for the challenging work we have been giving them (well that I have been giving them). They said they are glad their students are actually doing work that has substance and they really appreciate the higher order learning that is taking place in class. Some parents even asked that we give their students more work to supplement at home! Oh, and the whole time parents are giving these compliments, my teacher is eating it up with a spoon, even though she hasn't taught a thing since early September. In other words, they should be thanking me. It's ok though, I will take in the compliments and celebrate in silence because those parents affirmed any doubts I had about my abilities as a teacher. Thank you for giving my confidence a booster shot.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I should First 48 You!!

Another day in the jungle, another fight on our corner. This time between a man and his "baby mama" trying to get child support out of him. She was apparently driving around looking for him, and he was enjoying his last days of freedom. (How do I know all of this you may ask?? Well they explained everything loud and clear during their 20 minute screaming match outside my window). She was so angry at him, that apparently, she put sugar in his tank and slashed his tires. Oh wait, it gets better...she also called the cops on him to raid his garage, and yes he is a drug dealer so he got busted. This is why he is enjoying his last days of freedom...because he is going to jail. As they are arguing, the cops pull up and roll down the window. I think they are going to tell them to disperse, but oh no, they listen for a couple of minutes and drive off! What??!!! Aren't you suppose to protect and serve?? Since the cops left, he got really bold and screamed at her, "You better gone somewhere, while I am in a good mood. I should be kicking in your door and "First 48"ing your @$$!", he just blatantly threatened her in broad daylight saying he should kill her, and didn't even hesitate...I would be in shock, but then again I am in the jungle. About 15 minutes later, the cops come back with 3 other cars saying that someone called so they have to leave now. Wow, you could have eliminated this situation 15 minutes ago, before he threatened her life, but it wasn't important...until someone called. Yeah, I feel really safe with these policemen on the job...