Sunday, July 31, 2011

Better Late Than Never

One year and half, 4 meaningless jobs, and 18 interviews later....I finally have my own classroom!!!!! Not just any classroom though...this is literally my dream job. I will be in the city, at a performing arts school (yes they have a dance program!), and tons of technology at my disposal. Oh and did I mention that I get 5th grade *cue the choir and angels singing* Needless to say, I am more than thankful and happy. It makes me feel like all of the struggles and Hell that I've been through on this journey was worth it and was just God's way of strengthening me while he prepared the perfect place for me. It really hasn't settled yet, but I have a feeling that reality will hit soon enough. Tomorrow is the first of the month and school starts 2 weeks after that! Talk about super planning.....I will be in planning and prepping mode for the next 2 weeks, which means my life and those in it will have to be placed on hold (bear with's only temporary my loves ) The mad dash to the first day of school begins now....On your mark.....get set......PREP!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Am I really still not a teacher?

Wow so it's been...........awhile since I've kept you guys updated. No worries though, I'm back and will keep the updates flowing for your visual and mental delight. Since completing my student teaching, I have YET to find a teaching job. I would have never imagined myself in this position now looking back on my optimism after finishing student teaching (well that and everyone in the school district and from IU saying that student teachers often get job offers coming out their ears before they even our dreams). I have been back and forth with what I should be doing with my life considering working part time is not gonna cut it. I even thought for awhile that I wasted my years in school and that I would have to go back and pursue a completely new life interest. Then it happened. As soon as the last bits of my faith and hope were oozing from my pores, I got that call. "My prinicipal would love to set up an interview with you! Are you available next week?" I wanted to scream HELL YEAH!! into the phone but I knew that would be unprofessional. So I simply replied "Yes. When would be a good time for her?" and there it was. My very first call for an interview for a REAL job....well not even a job...for my LIFE. It's crazy how things happen. Right when you think you can reach no lower than you are, God tells you to have faith and that he has something waiting for you. So this brings me back to you guys! I am hoping that this will be the beginning of an amazing new journey for me and for the rest of my life to begin. So with that being said.....gotta get back to work on this portfolio. I mean I should've had that done already though right?? Yeah........oops.