Sunday, July 31, 2011

Better Late Than Never

One year and half, 4 meaningless jobs, and 18 interviews later....I finally have my own classroom!!!!! Not just any classroom though...this is literally my dream job. I will be in the city, at a performing arts school (yes they have a dance program!), and tons of technology at my disposal. Oh and did I mention that I get 5th grade *cue the choir and angels singing* Needless to say, I am more than thankful and happy. It makes me feel like all of the struggles and Hell that I've been through on this journey was worth it and was just God's way of strengthening me while he prepared the perfect place for me. It really hasn't settled yet, but I have a feeling that reality will hit soon enough. Tomorrow is the first of the month and school starts 2 weeks after that! Talk about super planning.....I will be in planning and prepping mode for the next 2 weeks, which means my life and those in it will have to be placed on hold (bear with's only temporary my loves ) The mad dash to the first day of school begins now....On your mark.....get set......PREP!