Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm trying to plant an apple tree!

Tonight was disappointing...our last game of the season and...we lost. But we didn't loose to a better team, which is why it makes me so disappointed. The girls went into the game with a big head since they already had beaten them once, and the other team was out for blood. Bottom line- the other team was hungry and we weren't. It was a lesson learned for the girls though. They quickly realized that anyone can be beat on any given day. On the bus ride home, one of the girls was eating an apple and decided she would toss the core out the bus window. When I asked her why she would do that she responded, "I'm trying to plant an apple tree." haha Needless to say, I was no longer upset. She reminded me why I did this to begin with and how much I love these girls. Playoffs start next week so let's hope that we can take it all the way and win the 'ship! If not, at least there will be one more apple tree in the world... :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Coach, can I borrow your shoes?

Game day and....WE WON!! At the start of the game, one of my girls proceeded to show me how the bottom of her shoes were coming off. Being the great coach that I am, I let her borrow mine to play the game (and yes I coached in my socks). Luckily we wore the same size shoe. She ended up getting 5 spikes in and scored off of 3. I would like to think that it was thanks to the shoes. :) They played a great game and continue to improve. Keep it up girls and we just might win the championship!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Change for Bib n Tucke customers only

Today I had my very first experience going to a laundry mat. Congratulations to me! haha I had soo much laundry to do that I could no longer hold out until my next trip home. I was somewhat apprehensive because I thought it would take forever to get all of my clothes washed, and spending the entire day at the laundry mat was NOT how I pictured my Sunday. I ended up being pleasantly surprised. Despite the ridiculous $3 per wash prices, I did not spend a great deal of time there. It took about 2 hours to wash and dry 3 loads of laundry. I took papers to grade and waited.....and waited....and waited. Thank you students for giving me something to occupy my time while I wait. Oh and by the way, remember to put your name on your paper since most of your handwriting looks the same. Oh the life of a teacher...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Did someone get shot??

PADDY WAGON!!! We just got back from our grocery store trip and on the way we were detoured by 10 cop cars and a paddy wagon barricading the streets. There was police tape everywhere...I wonder what happened because we haven't seen a paddy wagon since the last drug bust at the apartment building behind us. Someone had to have gotten shot, or there must have been a gang fight or something. Needless to say there is never a dull moment out here in the jungle...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Yes, these are volleyball players!

Game 3 of the season and....WE WON!! Not only did we win, but we played an amazing game. The girls were using 3 hits to get the ball over and setting up our more aggressive players for the spike. One of my girls even got 2 spikes in and scored! Oh and the victory was even sweeter because the team that we beat, was being coached by two fellow project members. Boooom! haha This is the game that we taught these girls to play. I can truly say that these girls have become great volleyball players. Even though they are great now, they still have room to grow into amazing players. Let's keep this up :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

...and now back to Earth...

Second game of the season and....we lost...but not because the other team was better than us, but because their gym was AWFUL. The ceiling was incredibly low and 60% of our serves kept hitting this archway of a ceiling over the net. Every time this happened, it was a point for the other team. It is so frustrating to have a loss like that when you know that you are a better team. Even though the loss was tough, it was good for the girls because it brought them back to reality. They needed to realize that not every gym will be nice, not every net will be tight and high, and that they need to make adjustments for whatever situation they end up in. We were all bummed, but it will make them fight harder tomorrow. And yes, we have another game tomorrow, but I can guarantee the outcome will not be the same...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Shut the front door!

Today was our first game of the season and....WE WON! The girls played great and used everything that we taught them. They used 3 hits, made great passes to each other, had some amazing sets, and even had some aces off of their overhand serves. I don't want to brag, but I will. We have done some great coaching with these girls and they are improving everyday. By the end of the season, these girls will be great volleyball players. I am so happy that I decided to assistant coach this team!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So I was very excited to get to school today and implement all my new procedures in the classroom, but when I got to school that all changed. Basically my cooperating teacher rejected all of the new procedures and decided to keep the chaotic system she has in place. Lucky me...It is so hard for me to establish myself in this classroom as their teacher, when my CT won't let go of the reigns. In a sense she is in "my classroom" mode and can't quite step away and let me try things on my own. I understand that I am a guest in her classroom, but at the same time, she signed up for this. She knew that I was supposed to be finding my own way and using this time to test the waters under her guidance. It is just really hard to find my own way when she refuses to let me implement my own way. Oh well, hopefully things will get better when I am actually teaching the full day. Here's hoping...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A breath of fresh air...

Two words....Harry to my ears. Today we had a professional development teaching summit that had Harry Wong as the special guest speaker (we even got his book for free as a bonus!). He gave me soooo many useful ideas and strategies to implement in the classroom that I know will make my life as a teacher so much easier. I literally took 2 full pages of notes during his presentation. I even got a bunch of ideas to use in my classroom that I am student teaching in now. I can't wait to get back to school on Tuesday and try these things out.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Slow and steady wins the race :)

Our fifth practice and my girls are finally starting to look like volleyball players! They are bumping the ball and using 3 hits to get the ball over the net. We even have some girls doing overhand serves (one of the girls I was working with one on one has a killer overhand by the way...I think I will pat myself on the back lol)! Since I was a setter when I played, I was able to take a few girls who have potential to be setters and work with them on their form. They will be expert setters when I am done with them :) I can't wait until they play their first game.