Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So I was very excited to get to school today and implement all my new procedures in the classroom, but when I got to school that all changed. Basically my cooperating teacher rejected all of the new procedures and decided to keep the chaotic system she has in place. Lucky me...It is so hard for me to establish myself in this classroom as their teacher, when my CT won't let go of the reigns. In a sense she is in "my classroom" mode and can't quite step away and let me try things on my own. I understand that I am a guest in her classroom, but at the same time, she signed up for this. She knew that I was supposed to be finding my own way and using this time to test the waters under her guidance. It is just really hard to find my own way when she refuses to let me implement my own way. Oh well, hopefully things will get better when I am actually teaching the full day. Here's hoping...

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