Sunday, October 25, 2009

Change for Bib n Tucke customers only

Today I had my very first experience going to a laundry mat. Congratulations to me! haha I had soo much laundry to do that I could no longer hold out until my next trip home. I was somewhat apprehensive because I thought it would take forever to get all of my clothes washed, and spending the entire day at the laundry mat was NOT how I pictured my Sunday. I ended up being pleasantly surprised. Despite the ridiculous $3 per wash prices, I did not spend a great deal of time there. It took about 2 hours to wash and dry 3 loads of laundry. I took papers to grade and waited.....and waited....and waited. Thank you students for giving me something to occupy my time while I wait. Oh and by the way, remember to put your name on your paper since most of your handwriting looks the same. Oh the life of a teacher...

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