Tuesday, October 20, 2009

...and now back to Earth...

Second game of the season and....we lost...but not because the other team was better than us, but because their gym was AWFUL. The ceiling was incredibly low and 60% of our serves kept hitting this archway of a ceiling over the net. Every time this happened, it was a point for the other team. It is so frustrating to have a loss like that when you know that you are a better team. Even though the loss was tough, it was good for the girls because it brought them back to reality. They needed to realize that not every gym will be nice, not every net will be tight and high, and that they need to make adjustments for whatever situation they end up in. We were all bummed, but it will make them fight harder tomorrow. And yes, we have another game tomorrow, but I can guarantee the outcome will not be the same...

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