Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm trying to plant an apple tree!

Tonight was disappointing...our last game of the season and...we lost. But we didn't loose to a better team, which is why it makes me so disappointed. The girls went into the game with a big head since they already had beaten them once, and the other team was out for blood. Bottom line- the other team was hungry and we weren't. It was a lesson learned for the girls though. They quickly realized that anyone can be beat on any given day. On the bus ride home, one of the girls was eating an apple and decided she would toss the core out the bus window. When I asked her why she would do that she responded, "I'm trying to plant an apple tree." haha Needless to say, I was no longer upset. She reminded me why I did this to begin with and how much I love these girls. Playoffs start next week so let's hope that we can take it all the way and win the 'ship! If not, at least there will be one more apple tree in the world... :)

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