Sunday, November 1, 2009

...20 stops...

Biker bars and train cars...that pretty much sums up my Halloween night. I was invited to a biker bar that is co owned by the secretary at my school. But this was not any biker was a biker bar, partially owned by a police officer biker gang. Yea, those exist, go figure. So me and some of the other student teachers dressed up and headed out. I was somewhat apprehensive since I had never been to a biker bar of any kind in my life. When I got there, things quickly turned around. I don't think I stopped laughing the entire time I was there (the free drinks the cops were buying us probably helped haha). Between the president of the club feeding my room mate chocolate cake, and doing the electric slide with the wives, it was an eventful night to say the least. It was nice to meet new people and make some connections, especially since I live in the Jungle and never know when I will be robbed out here. They loved us and want us to come to any other events they have while we are still here. I think we will definitely take them up on their offer. The night was over all a great time, until we realized how long it was going to take us to get the freezing cold. As we almost sprinted to the train stop because it was so cold outside, we realized how far south we were. We got on the train and counted how many stops we had until we were home....20 STOPS! OMG, the train might as well have said, pull out a pillow and blanket because you will be spending the night here. It was like reading a death sentence. It was definitely the longest train ride of my life! It was worth it though for the memories and friends that I made. Now if only this stack of papers I have to grade would magically disappear, my weekend would be complete...

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