Thursday, November 12, 2009

My dog got skunked!

I walked into the classroom this morning thinking it was going to be an ordinary soon as my students came in for the day, I saw a student with his hand raised. The bell hadn't even rung yet, what could possibly be wrong now?? As I walked up to his desk and asked him what he needed he responded, with a huge grin on his face, " My dog got skunked last night and I smell like it." he is speaking, the odor is slowly reaching my nostrils...great... he continued, "he ran in the house and jumped all over the couch and it got in my clothes." I wanted to ask him if he had taken a bath because if he had, he most likely wouldn't still smell like it. Then I realized, he WANTED to smell like the skunk! He is a boy of course, and to him, it is the coolest thing that could happen. To me, it's the stench in my nostrils for the day while I try to teach the class. Luckily he sits with all boys and they thought it was just as cool as him, otherwise there could have been a lot of sick kids today. Oh and by the way, they had gym yes, when he came back from running around in the gym for an hour, he smelled worse. It was like it was seeping out of his pores along with the sweat dripping down his face...I hope he went home and scrubbed in the bath tub for an nostrils are depending on it.

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