Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Was this an ambush??

W....T....F.....I leave from school today and come home to an email saying we have an "emergency meeting" with our directors this evening, and to top it off, they want to meet with me....alone....When I told my room mates about this meeting, they told me they received the same message.Looks like the "vocal" people of the group are having their wrists slapped. Seeing as the directors have been shady and lying since day one, we made the decision we would not meet alone and showed up together. They seemed extremely aggravated by this and completely caught off guard. Were they planning an ambush??? BAD IDEA. If they haven't caught on already, we are not idiots. As if this wasn't already a bad enough situation, they bring a lawyer to the meeting and did not tell us ahead of time. Wow??!! a lawyer?? We knew they were being underhanded but did not think they would go this far. Oh and this was no Ivy league professional lawyer...no...this was a two bit lawyer with a childish attitude. Hmmm...way to be professional. This meeting was supposedly called to "discuss" the safety issues and our concerns with the project. Well to say the least, there was no "discussing" involved. As one of the directors proceeded to ask, "Well I just want to know how many of you are truly dedicated to urban education?" (asking this question as she looked at us over the top rim of her glasses). I had to pause for a moment because my immediate response would have been, "B*tch why do you think we are in the project?!" However, being the professional that I am, I politely (but firmly) stated, "I am slightly confused as to why you would ask us a question like that. We are clearly all dedicated to urban education otherwise we would not be in this project. This is not a requirement for us, this is a choice and we have continued to remain here FOR OUR STUDENTS despite the safety concerns we have for ourselves." Check and mate. She was so speechless because she looked like an idiot that the other director had to redirect the conversation. Please don't get it twisted. As Nene would say, "I will put you back in your place, noink." The meeting continued on in this fashion for about 3 hours until it clearly was getting nowhere. I walked out of that room steaming with anger and was ready to leave the program. Then I remembered the main reason I am here: my students. They need me and I refuse to let them down. So screw you, and have a nice day.

Monday, September 21, 2009

These are volleyball players??

Day 1 of practice and one word can describe it....chaotic...These girls were all over the place, hitting balls into the walls and ceiling, not hitting balls at all, watching the ball fall at their feet. Needless to say, we have our work cut out for us. These girls are athletes, but they are soccer and basketball players, so we have to make them into volleyball players. First step, hitting the ball. We focused mainly on teaching the girls how to bump the ball and not just watch it fall at their feet. I don't know how many times I had to tell girls that the ball won't bite. Despite the chaos today, I can say that I am optimistic. It will take some work, but we will make these girls into volleyball players.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Volleyball...day 2...CUTS!

Day 2 of tryouts and it's time for the part I've been dreading...cuts...All 15 girls came back today so we had our job cut (no pun intended) out for us. There are a few girls who could potentially be really good and some that just need to be pulled out of their shells, but overall we could have a great team. At the end of tryouts, we decided that we would keep 12 so that we could have a full practice team. That lowered the number of cuts we had to make to 3. The decision wasn't too hard since those who hustled and tried really hard stood out from the ones who just hung out in the background. We will post the list tomorrow morning at the school...let's hope no one comes to find me after they see the list.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So my school started a volleyball team for 7th and 8th grade girls and they needed help. Guess who volunteered? Yours truly of course. I am officially one of the assistant coaches for the girls volleyball team. Am I excited?? YES!! I love volleyball, not mention that I am good at it, and I love competition so of course I am excited. We had our first tryout today and we had 15 girls come out. We only plan on keeping 10 so you know what that means...cuts...ugh... That was the one thing I was not looking forward to having to do, but it looks like we won't be able to get around it. We pushed them hard in tryouts so we could see who has potential. Hopefully we scared some off so we don't have to make cuts.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm a teacher get me out of here!

So each day that passes proves to me that I am definitely not in a "safe" neighborhood. The local police, others in the neighborhood, and people in the sorrounding area call this place (exactly on the cross street where the apartment building sits) "the jungle"... and to top it off, this building used to be the local drug house. Great. No wonder there is always 2-10 people standing on the corner at any given time of the night, chirping each other about "business". Not to mention the people pacing in front of the apartment looking for their dropped baggies of drugs tossed to the side when the patrol cops roll up or the abundance of little blue baggies littered across the street as I leave for school in the morning. The wise words from the police department, "Don't leave your apartment after dark". Well, I hope I don't run out of toilet paper or something in the middle of the night because I will just be S.O.L. As if that doesn't describe my situation in depth enough, maybe this commercial will help. I'm sure it was recorded in my neighborhood (haha).

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to the jungle...

My first Open House. The school is swarming with parents searching for their child's teacher, waiting to dissect their every thought and move. Waiting to pounce on any sign of weakness. My immediate thought, what have I gotten myself into? Tonight I met most of my students' parents and they couldn't have been more welcoming. I was pleasantly surprised. They were very receptive to me and seemed excited to have me in the classroom. I was also told multiple times that they have already heard so many great things about me from their children, which is great because that means I am already developing a strong positive relationship with them and that will greatly benefit me when I finally take over the classroom. So now, not only are the students and school staff viewing me as a teacher, but the parents are on board as well. They are usually the toughest critics so now that I have their acceptance, things should be smooth sailing from here. After the open house I came home to facebook messages galore about "thirsty thursday" and "going out, what are you doing?" Well, I can tell you what I am doing....grading papers and preparing lesson plans. Ha no more "thirsty thursdays" for the teacher, and I wouldn't have it any other way. :) -although I could do without the soundtrack of gunshots ringing through my neighborhood in the background-

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Can you help me with this?

I love love love LOVE my students! I have 31 completely different personalities and a great deal of diversity. I actually feel like a teacher already and it was only the second day today. Things can only get better from here. I love hearing my name called from 3 different students in the hallways at the same time (even after school when you would think they would want nothing to do with me haha). I can't wait until I am taking over the classroom completely on my own and begin pulling out the brilliance that I know is within them (it may not be visible to others, but I can see it there). These students are the ones who get placed in a box and labeled as "hopeless" and who receive the worst teachers. I already hear teachers in the lounge complaining about how kids today don't want to learn and how they hate being there. I don't know what students they are looking at, but the ones I see are the complete opposite. They love learning, and you can see the spark within them ignite when that light bulb in their head goes off while they discover new things. Why wouldn't I want to be here? Who couldn't love giving these children the tools they need to become thinkers and change the world? When students ask me, "Can you help me with this?" I say, " I would love to. That's what I'm here for." Some teachers need to remember what they are there for...and if they don't WANT to be there, why are they still there? Move over and let us who care take over!

Monday, September 7, 2009

You live where?

It is the night before my first day of student teaching and I am excited and nervous at the same time. I can't wait to meet my students! I decided that I didn't feel like cooking and neither did my room mates so we decided to order take out. After we finally decided on a place, we called and ordered our food. Once they took our order, they asked for our address. As I proceeded to give them our address, the man stops me in mid sentence and says to me, " Oh no. I have had two guys get held up over there because it is a very bad area and you are right in the pocket. We don't deliver there." (click--yes he hung up on me). Wow...so I guess he was basically saying, "We don't deliver to the hood." Hmm...if this is such a "nice" area, why can't we even have food delivered? This is a great way to start off the new school week...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Oh no, it's the Po Po!

Is this really happening?? Are there really 15 cop cars behind our apartment building? And a paddy wagon?? Yes, it is. There is a drug bust going down and they are hauling people out the building behind ours off to jail. Did this drug problem magically appear, or was someone omitting important information we needed to know before we moved in here? I am sad to say that the latter is true. Apparently there was a random shooting in the same place last year while the project participants were here. Whose bright idea was it to call this area "safe" again? It seems that the longer we are living here, the more we learn about this "nice" area. If this is what they call "nice" I would love to see what they consider "amazing".

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Please don't put me in your car...

I am starting to get to know the other people who are taking this journey with me. They are an interesting mix of personalities, but there is never a dull moment that's for sure. We all decided to go out for our first night as a "bonding" experiencing with our neighbors. We took the L (which I am slowly becoming a pro at taking) to a strip of local bars, had some drinks, and go to know each other better. We have been hanging out with each other ever since. It's really nice how I know that I can go downstairs or upstairs, knock on a door, and chill with whoever is at home. They will be a great support system as I get further into my student teaching journey. While most of us are not living in fear, some are completely out of their element. As a friend was describing her walk home from the local Bally's, she said, "I don't mind the people hanging out outside. It's the people in the cars who slow down and stare at you that scare me. I just want to say, 'Please don't put me in your car. I don't need a ride to wherever you are going.' " Like I said, it's never a dull moment...