Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Can you help me with this?

I love love love LOVE my students! I have 31 completely different personalities and a great deal of diversity. I actually feel like a teacher already and it was only the second day today. Things can only get better from here. I love hearing my name called from 3 different students in the hallways at the same time (even after school when you would think they would want nothing to do with me haha). I can't wait until I am taking over the classroom completely on my own and begin pulling out the brilliance that I know is within them (it may not be visible to others, but I can see it there). These students are the ones who get placed in a box and labeled as "hopeless" and who receive the worst teachers. I already hear teachers in the lounge complaining about how kids today don't want to learn and how they hate being there. I don't know what students they are looking at, but the ones I see are the complete opposite. They love learning, and you can see the spark within them ignite when that light bulb in their head goes off while they discover new things. Why wouldn't I want to be here? Who couldn't love giving these children the tools they need to become thinkers and change the world? When students ask me, "Can you help me with this?" I say, " I would love to. That's what I'm here for." Some teachers need to remember what they are there for...and if they don't WANT to be there, why are they still there? Move over and let us who care take over!

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