Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Please don't put me in your car...

I am starting to get to know the other people who are taking this journey with me. They are an interesting mix of personalities, but there is never a dull moment that's for sure. We all decided to go out for our first night as a "bonding" experiencing with our neighbors. We took the L (which I am slowly becoming a pro at taking) to a strip of local bars, had some drinks, and go to know each other better. We have been hanging out with each other ever since. It's really nice how I know that I can go downstairs or upstairs, knock on a door, and chill with whoever is at home. They will be a great support system as I get further into my student teaching journey. While most of us are not living in fear, some are completely out of their element. As a friend was describing her walk home from the local Bally's, she said, "I don't mind the people hanging out outside. It's the people in the cars who slow down and stare at you that scare me. I just want to say, 'Please don't put me in your car. I don't need a ride to wherever you are going.' " Like I said, it's never a dull moment...

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