Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to the jungle...

My first Open House. The school is swarming with parents searching for their child's teacher, waiting to dissect their every thought and move. Waiting to pounce on any sign of weakness. My immediate thought, what have I gotten myself into? Tonight I met most of my students' parents and they couldn't have been more welcoming. I was pleasantly surprised. They were very receptive to me and seemed excited to have me in the classroom. I was also told multiple times that they have already heard so many great things about me from their children, which is great because that means I am already developing a strong positive relationship with them and that will greatly benefit me when I finally take over the classroom. So now, not only are the students and school staff viewing me as a teacher, but the parents are on board as well. They are usually the toughest critics so now that I have their acceptance, things should be smooth sailing from here. After the open house I came home to facebook messages galore about "thirsty thursday" and "going out, what are you doing?" Well, I can tell you what I am doing....grading papers and preparing lesson plans. Ha no more "thirsty thursdays" for the teacher, and I wouldn't have it any other way. :) -although I could do without the soundtrack of gunshots ringing through my neighborhood in the background-

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