Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm a teacher get me out of here!

So each day that passes proves to me that I am definitely not in a "safe" neighborhood. The local police, others in the neighborhood, and people in the sorrounding area call this place (exactly on the cross street where the apartment building sits) "the jungle"... and to top it off, this building used to be the local drug house. Great. No wonder there is always 2-10 people standing on the corner at any given time of the night, chirping each other about "business". Not to mention the people pacing in front of the apartment looking for their dropped baggies of drugs tossed to the side when the patrol cops roll up or the abundance of little blue baggies littered across the street as I leave for school in the morning. The wise words from the police department, "Don't leave your apartment after dark". Well, I hope I don't run out of toilet paper or something in the middle of the night because I will just be S.O.L. As if that doesn't describe my situation in depth enough, maybe this commercial will help. I'm sure it was recorded in my neighborhood (haha).

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