Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Was this an ambush??

W....T....F.....I leave from school today and come home to an email saying we have an "emergency meeting" with our directors this evening, and to top it off, they want to meet with me....alone....When I told my room mates about this meeting, they told me they received the same message.Looks like the "vocal" people of the group are having their wrists slapped. Seeing as the directors have been shady and lying since day one, we made the decision we would not meet alone and showed up together. They seemed extremely aggravated by this and completely caught off guard. Were they planning an ambush??? BAD IDEA. If they haven't caught on already, we are not idiots. As if this wasn't already a bad enough situation, they bring a lawyer to the meeting and did not tell us ahead of time. Wow??!! a lawyer?? We knew they were being underhanded but did not think they would go this far. Oh and this was no Ivy league professional lawyer...no...this was a two bit lawyer with a childish attitude. Hmmm...way to be professional. This meeting was supposedly called to "discuss" the safety issues and our concerns with the project. Well to say the least, there was no "discussing" involved. As one of the directors proceeded to ask, "Well I just want to know how many of you are truly dedicated to urban education?" (asking this question as she looked at us over the top rim of her glasses). I had to pause for a moment because my immediate response would have been, "B*tch why do you think we are in the project?!" However, being the professional that I am, I politely (but firmly) stated, "I am slightly confused as to why you would ask us a question like that. We are clearly all dedicated to urban education otherwise we would not be in this project. This is not a requirement for us, this is a choice and we have continued to remain here FOR OUR STUDENTS despite the safety concerns we have for ourselves." Check and mate. She was so speechless because she looked like an idiot that the other director had to redirect the conversation. Please don't get it twisted. As Nene would say, "I will put you back in your place, noink." The meeting continued on in this fashion for about 3 hours until it clearly was getting nowhere. I walked out of that room steaming with anger and was ready to leave the program. Then I remembered the main reason I am here: my students. They need me and I refuse to let them down. So screw you, and have a nice day.

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