Monday, November 30, 2009

...and the hour glass empties...

So this is my last week of actual teaching....crazy I know...this time has flown by and I can't believe it's almost over. It started to set in today as I was talking to the class about an assignment that would be due my last day in the classroom. It is bittersweet for me...I can't wait to graduate and be done with the stupid busy work my university has me doing while I am student teaching, and I definitely can't wait to get out of the jungle, but I am really going to miss teaching everyday and the many personalities of my students. This might be a little harder than I anticipated...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Eeeww....Can I eat this??

Today was a very hectic and tiring day. Since it was the day before we leave for Thanksgiving break, the kids were in "Crazy-Friday-Vacation" mode. I decided to do centers for the last half of the day to keep them moving and also to teach them about Thanksgiving. I created six different stations for them to go to: Turkey gizzards-science goop (this was definitely a hit, and yes one student asked me if he could eat it), Thankful Turkeys- giving thanks from different perspectives, Turkey Dinner-planning a meal within a budget, Native American Names- creating a headdress and a Native American name, Plymouth Pilgrims- writing letters based upon the pilgrims experiences, and I give thanks- thankful books written by the students. The centers went amazingly well so I was glad my supervisor stopped in to see them. She pulled me aside afterward and told me a compliment I will never forget, "There are good teachers and teachers who are naturals and just born with it. There are many good teachers who will do well, but only a handful of naturals that will change their students lives forever, and you...are a true natural." meant a great deal to me. It felt good for someone to take notice in the effort and work that I put in and to acknowledge that. It was also reassuring that I chose the right profession, well I guess I should say that the right profession chose me. Now I can rest easy knowing that my many years in college were not wasted....and I definitely need the rest...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Heels and Meals

Last night a few of us went out downtown to a Latin club that had $1 glasses of we enjoyed the mix of hip hop and latin music (heaven again) several Latino men approached us asking, "What are you guys?" If I had a dollar for every time I was asked if I was Puerto Rican, I would be rich right now. Oh and as soon as they found out we were all teachers, our attraction rating went As we left the club, one of the girls' jaw dropped and she froze. One of her high school students was standing outside...ouch. Not only did he follow us back to the train station and ride the train home with us, but he proceeded to make a video showing her face on the train and what time it was (and he got everyone in the train car in on this as well). It was hilarious to me, but of course she was embarrassed. I'm glad I don't have to worry about seeing my students outside of a club at 4 am. Today we decided to have a mini Thanksgiving and have a pot luck pitch in dinner. Everyone that attended brought a dish...I brought peach cobbler that was amazing by the way. Before we ate, we went around the room and said what we were thankful for. This was somewhat emotional, but was well worth it because it brought us even closer as friends. Good food, good friends, and good conversation...tonight was very refreshing....and filling :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Conference Booster Shots

My first parent teacher conferences ever.....and I am exhausted. The day started with my first parent at 11:30 asking their son why he is not doing his work...great I'm sure this is how the day will go. Oh and by the way the parent was a teacher. Yeah maybe you should have your son do his work instead of asking him why he's not doing it. Why aren't you making him do it at home genius?? Next meeting lasted for 40 minutes. For some reason the parent couldn't grasp that their student was being lazy and it wasn't the TEACHER'S fault (maybe you shouldn't have told your son it was ok if he didn't get good grades, then maybe he would actually do his work). I was hoping the day did not continue this way. The next few parents were nice and it was smooth sailing. Then....he came in...the father of one of my students who never does his work. He proceeded to throw papers at us and call us incompetent teachers, and ended with a meeting in the principals office trying to get us fired. Wow, maybe if you put that energy into getting your son to do his work, maybe you wouldn't have to waste all that energy yelling at us...just a thought...Of course the principal bent to his will since he is prominent on the PTA (way to back up your teachers..) and gave him several "compromises" that no one else would get. My blood is boiling just thinking about it now...Despite the horrific conferences that took place throughout the day, there is a bright side. I had multiple parents thank us (well they directed it to my teacher) for the challenging work we have been giving them (well that I have been giving them). They said they are glad their students are actually doing work that has substance and they really appreciate the higher order learning that is taking place in class. Some parents even asked that we give their students more work to supplement at home! Oh, and the whole time parents are giving these compliments, my teacher is eating it up with a spoon, even though she hasn't taught a thing since early September. In other words, they should be thanking me. It's ok though, I will take in the compliments and celebrate in silence because those parents affirmed any doubts I had about my abilities as a teacher. Thank you for giving my confidence a booster shot.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I should First 48 You!!

Another day in the jungle, another fight on our corner. This time between a man and his "baby mama" trying to get child support out of him. She was apparently driving around looking for him, and he was enjoying his last days of freedom. (How do I know all of this you may ask?? Well they explained everything loud and clear during their 20 minute screaming match outside my window). She was so angry at him, that apparently, she put sugar in his tank and slashed his tires. Oh wait, it gets better...she also called the cops on him to raid his garage, and yes he is a drug dealer so he got busted. This is why he is enjoying his last days of freedom...because he is going to jail. As they are arguing, the cops pull up and roll down the window. I think they are going to tell them to disperse, but oh no, they listen for a couple of minutes and drive off! What??!!! Aren't you suppose to protect and serve?? Since the cops left, he got really bold and screamed at her, "You better gone somewhere, while I am in a good mood. I should be kicking in your door and "First 48"ing your @$$!", he just blatantly threatened her in broad daylight saying he should kill her, and didn't even hesitate...I would be in shock, but then again I am in the jungle. About 15 minutes later, the cops come back with 3 other cars saying that someone called so they have to leave now. Wow, you could have eliminated this situation 15 minutes ago, before he threatened her life, but it wasn't important...until someone called. Yeah, I feel really safe with these policemen on the job...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My dog got skunked!

I walked into the classroom this morning thinking it was going to be an ordinary soon as my students came in for the day, I saw a student with his hand raised. The bell hadn't even rung yet, what could possibly be wrong now?? As I walked up to his desk and asked him what he needed he responded, with a huge grin on his face, " My dog got skunked last night and I smell like it." he is speaking, the odor is slowly reaching my nostrils...great... he continued, "he ran in the house and jumped all over the couch and it got in my clothes." I wanted to ask him if he had taken a bath because if he had, he most likely wouldn't still smell like it. Then I realized, he WANTED to smell like the skunk! He is a boy of course, and to him, it is the coolest thing that could happen. To me, it's the stench in my nostrils for the day while I try to teach the class. Luckily he sits with all boys and they thought it was just as cool as him, otherwise there could have been a lot of sick kids today. Oh and by the way, they had gym yes, when he came back from running around in the gym for an hour, he smelled worse. It was like it was seeping out of his pores along with the sweat dripping down his face...I hope he went home and scrubbed in the bath tub for an nostrils are depending on it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We will miss you!

Tonight we had our end of the season party for Volleyball. It was bittersweet...we had a great season and our girls learned so much, but they could have played much further into the tournament. Anyways...moving on...we had plenty of food and drinks and had a few activities planned for them. We started our party with everyone sitting in a circle and telling the team one positive thing that has happened from the beginning of the season until now.  The first girl said that even though she has never played volleyball before,(and she is a great player by the way), that she will probably play in high school and that I helped her believe in herself...Oh no, don't tear up, keep it together, is what I'm telling myself as she is speaking. Another one of my girls, who is usually quiet, told us that she really felt like she had a place where she belonged and she has never felt that before...Cue the wasn't that long ago that I was these girls age and sometimes felt the same way they are feeling now. I am so happy that we created a family environment where everyone felt accepted outside of the hormone driven drama they are sorrounded by at school. As if that wasn't touching enough, another girl told us that she really appreciated us encouraging her and telling her she could do anything because she constantly puts herself down in her mind and it made her feel good about herself...I almost started balling. I never thought that this girl with her tough exterior, would open up to us like this. Not only had these girls grown as volleyball players, but they had grown as young women as well.  Since the girls had such amazing things to say, we decided to do another activity where everyone wrote a message to everyone else without signing their names. When we were all finished writing, everyone went and read their messages privately. These girls definitely needed a self esteem boost and this gave it to them. After everyone read their messages, we handed out certificates that we made for each of the girls. Everyone had a positive award such as Most Dedicated, Best Hitter, Best Setter, etc., and everyone had a silly award such as Most Distracted, Most Hair, Best Split, etc. They loved their awards, especially the funny ones. When we thought we were finished and were going to go home for the night, the girls surprised the coaches with gifts. They gave us cards and notes signed from everyone, teddy bears, chocolates, and bath and body works! I was definitely holding back the tears at this point. I had to wait until I got home to read my cards. One message still sticks out in my mind, "Coach- Thanks for being a good friend and an amazing coach. I'm going to miss you a lot and remember all of the laughs that we had.I hope you come back for graduation! Thanks for everything you are the bestest! Love you!" ...I will miss these girls so much...

Monday, November 2, 2009

...put this mask on please....

So today started off as a normal day of teaching, when about halfway through the day I had two kids tell me they weren't feeling well. One was flushed and complained about his head, the other couldn't stop coughing and said he was hot. So I checked for was burning up! I sent him down to the office immediately and he did not return. In fact, in about 2 minutes someone from the office came up and asked for his schoolwork, backpack and coat. Did they quarantine him?? The office staff took action like the secret service trying to discreetly eliminate a problem. I ended up taking his work down to him myself to see what was going on. As I walked into the office, I noticed my student sitting on the bench...with a mask on! I asked the secretary what was going on and she told me he had a 101 fever and gave me "the look". Uh oh...not "the look"...that means that they suspect H1N1 (AAAAHHH!), but they can't say it out loud of course. That is like screaming fire in a crowded room. I need to go home and overdose on vitamins, zinc and vitamin C. Keep the swine away from me!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

...20 stops...

Biker bars and train cars...that pretty much sums up my Halloween night. I was invited to a biker bar that is co owned by the secretary at my school. But this was not any biker was a biker bar, partially owned by a police officer biker gang. Yea, those exist, go figure. So me and some of the other student teachers dressed up and headed out. I was somewhat apprehensive since I had never been to a biker bar of any kind in my life. When I got there, things quickly turned around. I don't think I stopped laughing the entire time I was there (the free drinks the cops were buying us probably helped haha). Between the president of the club feeding my room mate chocolate cake, and doing the electric slide with the wives, it was an eventful night to say the least. It was nice to meet new people and make some connections, especially since I live in the Jungle and never know when I will be robbed out here. They loved us and want us to come to any other events they have while we are still here. I think we will definitely take them up on their offer. The night was over all a great time, until we realized how long it was going to take us to get the freezing cold. As we almost sprinted to the train stop because it was so cold outside, we realized how far south we were. We got on the train and counted how many stops we had until we were home....20 STOPS! OMG, the train might as well have said, pull out a pillow and blanket because you will be spending the night here. It was like reading a death sentence. It was definitely the longest train ride of my life! It was worth it though for the memories and friends that I made. Now if only this stack of papers I have to grade would magically disappear, my weekend would be complete...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm trying to plant an apple tree!

Tonight was disappointing...our last game of the season and...we lost. But we didn't loose to a better team, which is why it makes me so disappointed. The girls went into the game with a big head since they already had beaten them once, and the other team was out for blood. Bottom line- the other team was hungry and we weren't. It was a lesson learned for the girls though. They quickly realized that anyone can be beat on any given day. On the bus ride home, one of the girls was eating an apple and decided she would toss the core out the bus window. When I asked her why she would do that she responded, "I'm trying to plant an apple tree." haha Needless to say, I was no longer upset. She reminded me why I did this to begin with and how much I love these girls. Playoffs start next week so let's hope that we can take it all the way and win the 'ship! If not, at least there will be one more apple tree in the world... :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Coach, can I borrow your shoes?

Game day and....WE WON!! At the start of the game, one of my girls proceeded to show me how the bottom of her shoes were coming off. Being the great coach that I am, I let her borrow mine to play the game (and yes I coached in my socks). Luckily we wore the same size shoe. She ended up getting 5 spikes in and scored off of 3. I would like to think that it was thanks to the shoes. :) They played a great game and continue to improve. Keep it up girls and we just might win the championship!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Change for Bib n Tucke customers only

Today I had my very first experience going to a laundry mat. Congratulations to me! haha I had soo much laundry to do that I could no longer hold out until my next trip home. I was somewhat apprehensive because I thought it would take forever to get all of my clothes washed, and spending the entire day at the laundry mat was NOT how I pictured my Sunday. I ended up being pleasantly surprised. Despite the ridiculous $3 per wash prices, I did not spend a great deal of time there. It took about 2 hours to wash and dry 3 loads of laundry. I took papers to grade and waited.....and waited....and waited. Thank you students for giving me something to occupy my time while I wait. Oh and by the way, remember to put your name on your paper since most of your handwriting looks the same. Oh the life of a teacher...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Did someone get shot??

PADDY WAGON!!! We just got back from our grocery store trip and on the way we were detoured by 10 cop cars and a paddy wagon barricading the streets. There was police tape everywhere...I wonder what happened because we haven't seen a paddy wagon since the last drug bust at the apartment building behind us. Someone had to have gotten shot, or there must have been a gang fight or something. Needless to say there is never a dull moment out here in the jungle...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Yes, these are volleyball players!

Game 3 of the season and....WE WON!! Not only did we win, but we played an amazing game. The girls were using 3 hits to get the ball over and setting up our more aggressive players for the spike. One of my girls even got 2 spikes in and scored! Oh and the victory was even sweeter because the team that we beat, was being coached by two fellow project members. Boooom! haha This is the game that we taught these girls to play. I can truly say that these girls have become great volleyball players. Even though they are great now, they still have room to grow into amazing players. Let's keep this up :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

...and now back to Earth...

Second game of the season and....we lost...but not because the other team was better than us, but because their gym was AWFUL. The ceiling was incredibly low and 60% of our serves kept hitting this archway of a ceiling over the net. Every time this happened, it was a point for the other team. It is so frustrating to have a loss like that when you know that you are a better team. Even though the loss was tough, it was good for the girls because it brought them back to reality. They needed to realize that not every gym will be nice, not every net will be tight and high, and that they need to make adjustments for whatever situation they end up in. We were all bummed, but it will make them fight harder tomorrow. And yes, we have another game tomorrow, but I can guarantee the outcome will not be the same...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Shut the front door!

Today was our first game of the season and....WE WON! The girls played great and used everything that we taught them. They used 3 hits, made great passes to each other, had some amazing sets, and even had some aces off of their overhand serves. I don't want to brag, but I will. We have done some great coaching with these girls and they are improving everyday. By the end of the season, these girls will be great volleyball players. I am so happy that I decided to assistant coach this team!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So I was very excited to get to school today and implement all my new procedures in the classroom, but when I got to school that all changed. Basically my cooperating teacher rejected all of the new procedures and decided to keep the chaotic system she has in place. Lucky me...It is so hard for me to establish myself in this classroom as their teacher, when my CT won't let go of the reigns. In a sense she is in "my classroom" mode and can't quite step away and let me try things on my own. I understand that I am a guest in her classroom, but at the same time, she signed up for this. She knew that I was supposed to be finding my own way and using this time to test the waters under her guidance. It is just really hard to find my own way when she refuses to let me implement my own way. Oh well, hopefully things will get better when I am actually teaching the full day. Here's hoping...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A breath of fresh air...

Two words....Harry to my ears. Today we had a professional development teaching summit that had Harry Wong as the special guest speaker (we even got his book for free as a bonus!). He gave me soooo many useful ideas and strategies to implement in the classroom that I know will make my life as a teacher so much easier. I literally took 2 full pages of notes during his presentation. I even got a bunch of ideas to use in my classroom that I am student teaching in now. I can't wait to get back to school on Tuesday and try these things out.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Slow and steady wins the race :)

Our fifth practice and my girls are finally starting to look like volleyball players! They are bumping the ball and using 3 hits to get the ball over the net. We even have some girls doing overhand serves (one of the girls I was working with one on one has a killer overhand by the way...I think I will pat myself on the back lol)! Since I was a setter when I played, I was able to take a few girls who have potential to be setters and work with them on their form. They will be expert setters when I am done with them :) I can't wait until they play their first game.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Was this an ambush??

W....T....F.....I leave from school today and come home to an email saying we have an "emergency meeting" with our directors this evening, and to top it off, they want to meet with me....alone....When I told my room mates about this meeting, they told me they received the same message.Looks like the "vocal" people of the group are having their wrists slapped. Seeing as the directors have been shady and lying since day one, we made the decision we would not meet alone and showed up together. They seemed extremely aggravated by this and completely caught off guard. Were they planning an ambush??? BAD IDEA. If they haven't caught on already, we are not idiots. As if this wasn't already a bad enough situation, they bring a lawyer to the meeting and did not tell us ahead of time. Wow??!! a lawyer?? We knew they were being underhanded but did not think they would go this far. Oh and this was no Ivy league professional was a two bit lawyer with a childish attitude. Hmmm...way to be professional. This meeting was supposedly called to "discuss" the safety issues and our concerns with the project. Well to say the least, there was no "discussing" involved. As one of the directors proceeded to ask, "Well I just want to know how many of you are truly dedicated to urban education?" (asking this question as she looked at us over the top rim of her glasses). I had to pause for a moment because my immediate response would have been, "B*tch why do you think we are in the project?!" However, being the professional that I am, I politely (but firmly) stated, "I am slightly confused as to why you would ask us a question like that. We are clearly all dedicated to urban education otherwise we would not be in this project. This is not a requirement for us, this is a choice and we have continued to remain here FOR OUR STUDENTS despite the safety concerns we have for ourselves." Check and mate. She was so speechless because she looked like an idiot that the other director had to redirect the conversation. Please don't get it twisted. As Nene would say, "I will put you back in your place, noink." The meeting continued on in this fashion for about 3 hours until it clearly was getting nowhere. I walked out of that room steaming with anger and was ready to leave the program. Then I remembered the main reason I am here: my students. They need me and I refuse to let them down. So screw you, and have a nice day.

Monday, September 21, 2009

These are volleyball players??

Day 1 of practice and one word can describe it....chaotic...These girls were all over the place, hitting balls into the walls and ceiling, not hitting balls at all, watching the ball fall at their feet. Needless to say, we have our work cut out for us. These girls are athletes, but they are soccer and basketball players, so we have to make them into volleyball players. First step, hitting the ball. We focused mainly on teaching the girls how to bump the ball and not just watch it fall at their feet. I don't know how many times I had to tell girls that the ball won't bite. Despite the chaos today, I can say that I am optimistic. It will take some work, but we will make these girls into volleyball players.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 2...CUTS!

Day 2 of tryouts and it's time for the part I've been dreading...cuts...All 15 girls came back today so we had our job cut (no pun intended) out for us. There are a few girls who could potentially be really good and some that just need to be pulled out of their shells, but overall we could have a great team. At the end of tryouts, we decided that we would keep 12 so that we could have a full practice team. That lowered the number of cuts we had to make to 3. The decision wasn't too hard since those who hustled and tried really hard stood out from the ones who just hung out in the background. We will post the list tomorrow morning at the school...let's hope no one comes to find me after they see the list.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So my school started a volleyball team for 7th and 8th grade girls and they needed help. Guess who volunteered? Yours truly of course. I am officially one of the assistant coaches for the girls volleyball team. Am I excited?? YES!! I love volleyball, not mention that I am good at it, and I love competition so of course I am excited. We had our first tryout today and we had 15 girls come out. We only plan on keeping 10 so you know what that means...cuts...ugh... That was the one thing I was not looking forward to having to do, but it looks like we won't be able to get around it. We pushed them hard in tryouts so we could see who has potential. Hopefully we scared some off so we don't have to make cuts.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm a teacher get me out of here!

So each day that passes proves to me that I am definitely not in a "safe" neighborhood. The local police, others in the neighborhood, and people in the sorrounding area call this place (exactly on the cross street where the apartment building sits) "the jungle"... and to top it off, this building used to be the local drug house. Great. No wonder there is always 2-10 people standing on the corner at any given time of the night, chirping each other about "business". Not to mention the people pacing in front of the apartment looking for their dropped baggies of drugs tossed to the side when the patrol cops roll up or the abundance of little blue baggies littered across the street as I leave for school in the morning. The wise words from the police department, "Don't leave your apartment after dark". Well, I hope I don't run out of toilet paper or something in the middle of the night because I will just be S.O.L. As if that doesn't describe my situation in depth enough, maybe this commercial will help. I'm sure it was recorded in my neighborhood (haha).

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to the jungle...

My first Open House. The school is swarming with parents searching for their child's teacher, waiting to dissect their every thought and move. Waiting to pounce on any sign of weakness. My immediate thought, what have I gotten myself into? Tonight I met most of my students' parents and they couldn't have been more welcoming. I was pleasantly surprised. They were very receptive to me and seemed excited to have me in the classroom. I was also told multiple times that they have already heard so many great things about me from their children, which is great because that means I am already developing a strong positive relationship with them and that will greatly benefit me when I finally take over the classroom. So now, not only are the students and school staff viewing me as a teacher, but the parents are on board as well. They are usually the toughest critics so now that I have their acceptance, things should be smooth sailing from here. After the open house I came home to facebook messages galore about "thirsty thursday" and "going out, what are you doing?" Well, I can tell you what I am doing....grading papers and preparing lesson plans. Ha no more "thirsty thursdays" for the teacher, and I wouldn't have it any other way. :) -although I could do without the soundtrack of gunshots ringing through my neighborhood in the background-

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Can you help me with this?

I love love love LOVE my students! I have 31 completely different personalities and a great deal of diversity. I actually feel like a teacher already and it was only the second day today. Things can only get better from here. I love hearing my name called from 3 different students in the hallways at the same time (even after school when you would think they would want nothing to do with me haha). I can't wait until I am taking over the classroom completely on my own and begin pulling out the brilliance that I know is within them (it may not be visible to others, but I can see it there). These students are the ones who get placed in a box and labeled as "hopeless" and who receive the worst teachers. I already hear teachers in the lounge complaining about how kids today don't want to learn and how they hate being there. I don't know what students they are looking at, but the ones I see are the complete opposite. They love learning, and you can see the spark within them ignite when that light bulb in their head goes off while they discover new things. Why wouldn't I want to be here? Who couldn't love giving these children the tools they need to become thinkers and change the world? When students ask me, "Can you help me with this?" I say, " I would love to. That's what I'm here for." Some teachers need to remember what they are there for...and if they don't WANT to be there, why are they still there? Move over and let us who care take over!

Monday, September 7, 2009

You live where?

It is the night before my first day of student teaching and I am excited and nervous at the same time. I can't wait to meet my students! I decided that I didn't feel like cooking and neither did my room mates so we decided to order take out. After we finally decided on a place, we called and ordered our food. Once they took our order, they asked for our address. As I proceeded to give them our address, the man stops me in mid sentence and says to me, " Oh no. I have had two guys get held up over there because it is a very bad area and you are right in the pocket. We don't deliver there." (click--yes he hung up on me). I guess he was basically saying, "We don't deliver to the hood." Hmm...if this is such a "nice" area, why can't we even have food delivered? This is a great way to start off the new school week...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Oh no, it's the Po Po!

Is this really happening?? Are there really 15 cop cars behind our apartment building? And a paddy wagon?? Yes, it is. There is a drug bust going down and they are hauling people out the building behind ours off to jail. Did this drug problem magically appear, or was someone omitting important information we needed to know before we moved in here? I am sad to say that the latter is true. Apparently there was a random shooting in the same place last year while the project participants were here. Whose bright idea was it to call this area "safe" again? It seems that the longer we are living here, the more we learn about this "nice" area. If this is what they call "nice" I would love to see what they consider "amazing".

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Please don't put me in your car...

I am starting to get to know the other people who are taking this journey with me. They are an interesting mix of personalities, but there is never a dull moment that's for sure. We all decided to go out for our first night as a "bonding" experiencing with our neighbors. We took the L (which I am slowly becoming a pro at taking) to a strip of local bars, had some drinks, and go to know each other better. We have been hanging out with each other ever since. It's really nice how I know that I can go downstairs or upstairs, knock on a door, and chill with whoever is at home. They will be a great support system as I get further into my student teaching journey. While most of us are not living in fear, some are completely out of their element. As a friend was describing her walk home from the local Bally's, she said, "I don't mind the people hanging out outside. It's the people in the cars who slow down and stare at you that scare me. I just want to say, 'Please don't put me in your car. I don't need a ride to wherever you are going.' " Like I said, it's never a dull moment...

Monday, August 31, 2009

I should take a picture for proof...

It's only the third night here and already we are noticing what kind of neighborhood this is. Last night, we heard someone on our corner nextel chirping someone about losing their social security money...strange conversation. As a cop on patrol drove by, he quickly dispersed while laughing as if he knew something the cop didn't. Today we spoke to our neighbors who heard and saw the same thing. One person said, "I need to take a picture so that my friends will believe me when I tell them there are drug dealers out here." Someone else responded, "So they can see the flash and come kill us all! Probably not the best idea..." Wise words.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I think I'm in love <3

Sooo I am officially in love with Chicago. I love the lake, the convenience of the L and their public transportation system, the fact that on any given day there are at least 10 things to do and places to go see, and that there is so much diversity here. I believe that I am a true city girl at heart and may have found the place I could call home in the near future. Even though I have probably walked to more places in 2 days than I have since I've been in college, I can't complain. I love that you can walk or take the train to almost anywhere. I just can't wait to meet my kids. Well they will be my kids for the next 16 weeks anyways. September 8th can't get here soon enough. :)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Welcome to the hood...

Day One:
Wow... a 3 and a half hour trip, turned into a 4 and a half hour nightmare. Thanks mapquest. I enjoyed my scenic drive through the southside. I am just glad I didn't get car jacked. After finally arriving at my home for the next 16 weeks, I have mixed emotions.Thoughts of anger, frustration, excitement, and relief rampage through my mind as I begin to move my things into my 2x4 room I will be sharing with a friend. It's like freshman year all over again. I attempt to find space in an otherwise spaceless room for everything I will need for the next 4 months. How will this workout? I guess we will find out. After moving my stuff in, we ventured to the grocery store and began to realize that this "very safe neighborhood" was actually a frequent stop on the patrolling cops route. As we return to my new home with groceries in hand, we stop at a local Popeye's for a quick meal. Low and behold, when we order our food the cashier responds that they are "out of the chicken" that we asked for.She might as well have said, "Welcome to the hood." This should be interesting...